Our Liturgical Ministries provide many opportunities to become involved and serve our parish community. It is our fervent prayer that you will take this important step and explore these opportunities. All of our liturgical ministry volunteers are parishioners who like you, are led by the Holy Spirit to bring more hope, joy and compassion to the world. Our ministry leaders are ready to assist you and invite your participation.
Music/Choir: Music is an important part of our liturgy and there is always a need for cantors, choir members and musicians. We are fortunate to have a wonderful organ, baby grand piano and sound system for our church. If you have a special interest in music, please consider lending your talents to this group.
Altar Guild: These individuals are responsible for tending to our Altar and arranging the necessary items for the celebration of the Mass. Items used in the liturgy take on a certain sacred character both by the blessing they receive and the sacred function they fulfill. Thus, the cloths and sacred vessels used at the Altar, in the course of the Eucharistic celebration, should be treated with the care and respect due to those things being used in the preparation and celebration of the sacred mysteries. Training is provided.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharistic: Members of this ministry assist the Pastor in administering the Eucharist to parishioners during parish liturgies. Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist also distribute the Eucharist to the hospitalized and home bound. Training is provided.
Lectors: Ministers of the Word, commonly known as Lectors, proclaim the Word of God to those coming to worship at our weekend Masses or Daily Mass. Those accepting the Call to Serve as Lectors must recognize that service in this ministry is for the purpose of meeting the needs of the parish community and is a commitment to prepare properly to proclaim the Word of God. Training is provided.
Greeters/Ushers: Ushers ensure a welcoming presence and orderly seating to all those coming to worship at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish. Ushers pass out the programs, take up the collections, and arrange for worshipers to participate in the offertory procession and ensure a smooth procession of parishioners to receive the Holy Eucharist. Training is provided.
Altar Servers: The alter servers are typically from the youth of our parish. Alter Servers not only provide assistance at regular Mass services but also are called upon to provide similar assistance during special Masses such as Holy Days, Funerals, etc. Training is provided.