Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in the religious upbringing of your children.  We are here to help and support you in the role as primary educators of your children.  This is a great responsibility but one that brings an amazing grace from God.  Please feel free to contact us so we can be of assistance to you.

Religious Education Classes (2024-2025):

Welcome to Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Religious Education program!

Registration for classes and sacramental preparation for 2023-2024 is now underway.  Our first class date for all grades will be on Sunday, Sept. 29th, at 9:30 AM.  If you still need to register your child for Religious Education classes, forms for classes K-12 are located on the website and at both entrances to the Church.  There is a separate form for sacrament preparation if you need to sign your child up to receive a sacrament next year in 2025.  If you need forms emailed to you, please contact the parish office.

Sacramental Preparation for First Reconciliation/Holy Communion:  In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, we encounter our Risen Lord who offers us His forgiveness and His love.  Teaching children the beauty of this sacrament, and how much God wants to forgive us and welcome us back when we go astray, is a beautiful gift that will help your child throughout their life.  The preparation for this Sacrament, also known both as Confession and Penance, is done as a communal effort between the family and the parish for those baptized students of catechetical age and is in addition to their grade level religious education program.  Parents, as primary teachers of the faith, are strongly encouraged to work with their children by using resources provided and by discussing the sacrament at home.  If you have questions, please reach out to Religious Education Volunteer, Michelle Boyer at:  334-379-9308.

Reminder:  Diocesan Safe Environment Regulations – Code of Conduct with Minors #7:  “Parents have a right to observe programs and activities in which their children are involved.  Parents, who desire to participate in or have continuous contact with their child’s programs at school or the parish, must fulfill the requirements of the volunteer background screening process and safe environment training.”

If you would like more information on the Catholic Diocese of Richmond’s Protecting God’s Children/Safe Environment Program, please click here.

Any parent with questions or who is in need of assistance with signing up for Safe Environment training, please contact the SEAS Parish Office at 804-932-4125 or visit the Catholic Diocese of Richmond’s Virtus Program Page.